Tuesday, June 18, 2013

MAD MAX!!!! Ahem... sorry for shouting

But I can't help it, not really.

This looks amazing, and I hope it lives up to the hype. I will be on the beta bandwagon if I can help it. Or not. I've had mixed feelings about playtesting something not so polished and ended up feeling like my post-armageddon joy got tempered with a sandpaper scrub. Take Fallen Earth, for example, a post-apoc online RPG centered around Hoover Dam. I got to beta that one and I was unimpressed. I knew the gameplay would be a little wooden, but shooting was a nice touch. A nice change from the glut of fantasy RPGs out there, but when the premise seemed to be about cloning to play a character who could be killed over and over, as is wont to happen in such RPGs, I uttered a 'meh' and moved on.*

But this still looks amazing.

And it's Mad Max.

The only thing which would be WAAAAAAY cooler is just getting to play around in the world as a character I've created. Not just Max. Although it will be awesome to BE Max for a little bit. Am I rambling? Sorry. Just dreaming. Really looking forward to this one.

Mad Max.

Need I say more?

*Not that there hasn't been cloning in my fave post-apocs. Wasteland featured the ability, closer to the endgame, where you could fix a pod, pour in the right chemicals and scrape off a little DNA. I never did try it. And its not that I don't like clones (I've got a few stories I've written about the very subject) but I didn't like it in that particular setting. Kinda like eating a huge juicy steak with a scoop of mint chocolate chip ice cream. Two great tastes, does NOT taste great together.

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